Planned Parenthood Great Plains is holding a free two-day vasectomy clinic next month, and all the spots filled up in less than 48 hours.

  • @[email protected]
    169 months ago

    I don’t know man, that doesn’t seem right. During my procedure, the actual “surgery”, I felt almost nothing.

    I DID however, have intense soreness for several days after. But the procedure wasn’t bad.

    Conclusion full agree - so much freedom, would do again, 5/5.

    • @[email protected]
      79 months ago

      My experience was pretty similar to yours. Really no pain and recovery wasn’t even that bad.

      • @[email protected]
        49 months ago

        Mine also didn’t really go beyond “uncomfortable.” I was moving pretty gingerly for about a week, but I started light running again after two weeks, easy road cycling after three, and was back to normal gravel biking after a month. Probably could have done earlier but didn’t want to push my luck.

        One fun and one not-so-fun anecdote from that time:

        1. I’m a music teacher and was about to start directing a student show showcasing the music of Elton John at the time. The doctor had a radio on, and when he finished up and pronounced the procedure complete, Tiny Dancer was playing. Something something just got rid of my Tiny Dancers. That song holds a special place in my heart as a result.

        2. I got a lyft home from the procedure, and my driver had to stop at a gas station right after picking me up because she was pregnant and needed to pee. Apparently she had dropped out of college after finding out. I didn’t tell her what I had been at the hospital for, as that felt cruel.