About 12.4%, some 41 million, of the U.S.'s 333 million people live at or below the poverty line, the Census Bureau calculates, which is set at about $29,678 for a household of two adults and two chidren.

That rate fell to a record low in 2021 thanks to COVID-19 federal support, but has jumped as these programs expired.

Hardline Republicans in the House have rejected a deal the Republican-led House negotiated with U.S. President Joe Biden in May for $1.59 trillion in discretionary spending in fiscal 2024, paving the way for wide swaths of the government to shut down for the fourth time in a decade.

  • @[email protected]
    139 months ago

    Looks like republicans are going to blame democrats for this crisis, looks like this will help them in 2024, looks like it will result in republican victories as it always does. >!even though it’s their fault, like almost always 🤦!<

    • @[email protected]
      89 months ago

      The Republicans lost the presidency, the house, and the senate in 2020 following the 2018 shutdowns.

      Don’t be so quick to think this helps them in the slightest.

      • @[email protected]
        59 months ago

        True, but it might be a tossup whether that was voting against Trump’s party or voting against the party that caused the shutdown. I do hope you’re right though, fingers crossed!

    • BraveSirZaphod
      59 months ago

      It’s a pretty hard case to make. This isn’t even Republicans in general; it’s a handful of absolute lunatics in the House that the rest of them don’t even like. Everyone saw the clown show when McCarthy was nominated for Speaker, and this is an obvious continuation of that.