• @[email protected]
    -159 months ago

    Sex offenders aren’t allowed to watch porn at all in my state.

    Because science suggests watching porn, and getting your fix as you put it, through porn, encourages the behavior.

    Watching child porn teaches the mind to go to children to fulfill sexual urges. Mindfulness practice has been shown to be effective in curbing urges in all forms of addiction.

    So, no. Just no to your whole post.

    There’s effective treatment for addictions, rather sexual or otherwise. Rather the addiction feeds on children or heroin. And we don’t need to see if fake child porn helps. Evidence already suggests it doesn’t and we already have effective treatments that don’t put children at risk and that don’t encourage the behavior.

    • Lowlee Kun
      179 months ago

      Not judging/voting your comment, do you have the data at hand? Just out of interest.

      Some input though, you are not making a difference between offenders and non-offenders and i doubt there is even good data on non offenders to begin with.

    • Forbo
      119 months ago

      As mentioned on another one of your comments, I am having a hard time finding the science you reference.

    • Pooptimist
      49 months ago

      This isn’t about addiction, it’s about sexuality. And you can’t just curb your whole sexuality away. These people have a disorder that makes them sexually attracted to children. At this point there is no harm done yet. They just are doomed to live a very unfulfilling life, because the people with whom they want to engage in sexual practices can’t give their consent, which is morally and legally required, no question about that. And most of them don’t give in to these urges and seek the help they need.

      But still, you can’t just meditate your whole sexuality away. I don’t want to assume, but I bet you also masturbate or pleasure yourself in one way or another, I know I do. And when I was young, fantasy was all I needed, but then I saw my first nude and watched my first porno and it progressed from there, and I’m sure fantasy won’t be enough for these people as well. So when they get to the stage where they want to consume media, I prefer it to be AI created images or some drawn hentai of a naked young girl or whatever, and not real abused children.