I’m looking for sites not owned by Fandom, Ziff Davis, Tencent, etc., who still cover news and reviews.

I stuck with Giantbomb for years, even after Red Ventures acquired it, but, like others, drifted away from the site when its core members left/got fired.

I followed Easy Allies for awhile, but after Bowman moved on, it wasn’t the same.

Anyone have any recommendations?

  • guyrocket
    29 months ago

    Do people like PC Gamer? I was a little surprised when I found out they’re still around. I used to get the print magazine with demo CDs.

    • @[email protected]
      49 months ago

      PC gamer has done a fair bit of shilling for Epic Games the past few years, so you need to take everything they say with a pinch of salt

    • @manaOP
      19 months ago

      I never really read PC Gamer. I used to subscribe to PSM and Nintendo Power. By the time I got a PC capable of running games, magazines were already on their way out lol

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      I do appreciate that they generally (BG3 review notwithstanding) aren’t afraid to call out bugs and aren’t one of the publications rushing to press with reviews. Even if their scoring system is ridiculous.

      I don’t know if they are truly any more independent than any of the other big names, especially considering they have a (formerly E3) trade show now. They are also part of the same publishing group as Tom’s Hardware, which hasn’t been my first choice for hardware reviews for a while.