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The original was posted on /r/shibbysays by /u/kinkyshibby on 2023-09-11 15:06:36.

Original Title: [F4M][F4F] The Devil on your shoulder [Whispers][ASMR][Succubus][Kinky GFE][manipulation][Big Tits][Ear Licking][Dirty Talk][No Orgasm][Scarousal][Fantasy][Fuckbattery][Hypnotic Language][Fdom][Script by broken][Short]

“Hey, what’s up? Aww — Come here baby. Come snuggle up with me under the blankets. Shh — Just stay close with me, and focus only on the good. I’ll always be here to make things better sweetie. You do know that right? You know I’d never leave you.”

In this file you’re dating the most angelically sweet and supportive girlfriend. There’s just one tiny catch…

She’s actually a succubus.