An Iranian girl, aged 16, has been left in a coma and is being treated in hospital under heavy security after an assault on the Tehran subway, a rights group said on Tuesday, blaming the Islamic republic's notorious morality police.
It’s only Islamists that beat girls to death for not wearing the right headgear, or stone people to death for committing adultery, or execute people for being gay, or strap bombs to themselves and try and kill as many innocent people as possible. Yes … all religions are stupid and most are regressive and have crazy rules. But one religion is objectively far worse than all the rest put together (and I include the vile christian conservatives in that group).
From what I can recall, when muslim do bad shit, people tend to comment that islam is shit. But when christians do bad shit, people tend to comment that religion is shit.
I don’t know. It might be some weird confirmation bias where I feel like muslims as a whole get more targeted hate when I actually want to hate you all equally.
Christianity is shit. There I said it. I will continue to say it until I am freaken dead and nothing remains because there is no god and there is no afterlife. Fuck Christianity, the religion with the highest kill count and as far as I can tell the only achievements it has given the humans race are
The gun
The coathanger abortion
And the Inquisition
The world would be a better place if James the Just had gotten hit with a rock the moment he started bullshitting about his fake brother.
There. Is that enough for you? Did I make up for all the supposed silence going on?
Religion of peace!
Just like catholicism is the religion of adult hetero-normies.
They’re all scams
Why is it than when someone criticizes muslim, there is always a comment replying “bUt CaThOlIcISm or bUt ChRiStIaNiSm”
Yes, all religions are shit.
Because so many people like to pretend it’s only Muslims with problems
oh please. this entire place cries about christianity 100x more than they do about islam.
I was speaking more broadly than just on Lemmy.
It’s only Islamists that beat girls to death for not wearing the right headgear, or stone people to death for committing adultery, or execute people for being gay, or strap bombs to themselves and try and kill as many innocent people as possible. Yes … all religions are stupid and most are regressive and have crazy rules. But one religion is objectively far worse than all the rest put together (and I include the vile christian conservatives in that group).
In this minute of history, in certain parts of the world, in certain social circles.
Yes, yes and yes. Christianity in the middle ages was responsible for all manner of brutality. No argument there. It doesn’t change my assertion.
By the way, instead of saying “in this minute of history” you can just say “now” … it sounds less pompous.
No, I agree. Muslims, Christians, catholics, all are idiots.
This here. Racists be racisting.
reddit moment
From what I can recall, when muslim do bad shit, people tend to comment that islam is shit. But when christians do bad shit, people tend to comment that religion is shit.
I don’t know. It might be some weird confirmation bias where I feel like muslims as a whole get more targeted hate when I actually want to hate you all equally.
That last paragraph is chef’s kiss.
Christianity is shit. There I said it. I will continue to say it until I am freaken dead and nothing remains because there is no god and there is no afterlife. Fuck Christianity, the religion with the highest kill count and as far as I can tell the only achievements it has given the humans race are
The gun
The coathanger abortion
And the Inquisition
The world would be a better place if James the Just had gotten hit with a rock the moment he started bullshitting about his fake brother.
There. Is that enough for you? Did I make up for all the supposed silence going on?