You heard me. In particular the end bits

  • SuperJetShoes
    -11 year ago

    Muse are Radiohead + actual musical knowledge and multi-instrument talent.

    Muse make me want to bang my nut off with joy. Radiohead, not so much.

    Some people play music as they commit suicide. It’d be interesting to see if there is any correlation between the two.

    As soon as I hear the opening bars of “Creep” I find myself involuntarily making nooses and looking round the room for something that could take my weight.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      lol “talent”

      Glad to know that you judge music by how much it makes you want to wank, I almost took your opinion seriously.

      • SuperJetShoes
        01 year ago

        Of course I meant “head” when I said “nut” as I guess you already knew.

        Nevertheless the only wank I’d get off a Radiohead song would be a crywank. I don’t doubt or challenge their creative skills. I just find my life force ebbing away to their whining, dreary songs. I know they speak right into some people’s souls, but not mine.

        Also, I’d be willing to put down a wager that there are more Radiohead tribute acts than Muse tribute acts because Radiohead are easier to emulate because they aren’t as good.

        You’ll find fewer people able to play confidently on a full grand piano, then leap away from it, pick up a Manson Signature and start making it scream like a banshee.

        (The Dutch tribute called “Musest” are an exception, their frontman nails it.)

        I just don’t like Radiohead, sorry. I recognize that this won’t be popular but so be it. I think we’re both smart enough to know that arguing about music won’t result in any minds being charged, but I’ll die on this hill if need be.