• @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    Why is his wife reading his texts from his employees? Unless it’s a family owned business that doesn’t seem too professional.

    • @[email protected]
      399 months ago

      Boss’s phone (could be a personal phone) is on living room table, screen lights up from the message, wife sees it, done.

      • @LikeTearsInTheRain
        149 months ago

        There were replies between the messages so the notifications wouldn’t show messages that were already considered read. Just seemed scripted. Unless the wife was the one who sent the first 2 replies.

        Not worth getting hung up on authenticity though since there will never be a way to prove if it’s wrong or real. I just try to appreciate the humor and assume it was faked either way.

        • @[email protected]
          29 months ago

          Message comes in, lights up the screen, boss picks it up and replies, turns off the screen, puts the phone back on the table, next message follows, lights up the screen and there you go, that’s the one you want the wife to see.

          Not worth getting hung up on authenticity though

          Oh I agree I was just thinking how this could work if it was real

    • @[email protected]
      129 months ago

      It’s pretty normal for people in a workplace to exchange numbers and text and no, that doesn’t violate any laws if people choose voluntarily to communicate via text. My wife sees my texts on my personal phone sometimes. No need to go onto why as it doesn’t matter. The big difference is that my wife is not so insecure to jump to conclusions if I get a weird text. In fact, my wife would probably joke about it. So that’s the real issue… The guy has a cripplingly insecure wife. Also, I’m sorry if you’ve never had a good relationship with your boss. It’s almost always the boss’ fault, but it should be normal to be able to talk to your boss easily like a good acquaintance.

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        I don’t know where you’re getting that his wife is insecure. All he did was text in all caps. His wife could have just asked what was going on. Doesn’t mean she was breaking down crying or on a rampage.

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        What on earth are you talking about? I never said there was anything wrong with texting your boss, and I didn’t say anything about this being illegal, I’m saying it’s unprofessional for your boss to give his wife open access to the work related texts his employees send to him unless she’s also involved in the business. They could contain personal information that he shouldn’t be sharing with anyone, not even his wife. It has nothing to do with her being insecure or not.