• Doctor xNo
    -109 months ago

    Must be bad books? Usually banned books are a good thing. Learn what nobody wants you to know! 😅

    Or am I missing some kind of sarcasm here? 😅

    • @[email protected]
      79 months ago

      I think a lot of the downvotes are from people misinterpreting your comment as saying that banning books is good.

      The joke is making fun of conservatives banning books and paranoia around blades and poison hidden in Halloween candy.

      • Doctor xNo
        49 months ago

        Oh, I see it now, editing it for clarification… 😅

    • Throwaway
      -209 months ago

      Most banned books aren’t age appropriate or contain some issue. Like Gender Queer, the “Most banned book in America”, freely available to order, contains pictures of sex, blowjobs, and a blood soaked tampon left until the blood curdled. It’s not exactly appropriate for kids, so it got banned.

      The issue is that most of lemmy has never looked at a banned book, and they’re just circlejerking thinking that only super important books get banned or some shit like that.

      • @[email protected]
        169 months ago

        No, most banned books are sex-education or contain something that the conservative parents that don’t actually read these books won’t like because of some mistaken idea that teaching kids about the world is a bad thing

        As someone who has perused multiple of the books on the ban list: not a single one I’ve seen is something that you’d legit keep out of a kids hands unless you were some weird prude who hated sex. Eg, a conservative with little sex education themselves

        • Throwaway
          -109 months ago

          Gender queer is sex education. Just because it has information in it doesn’t mean its appropriate.

            • Doctor xNo
              69 months ago

              I’d argue talking about how babies are made with mommy and daddy is just as appropriate or inappropriate as talking about changing sex, depending on the age, occasion and intent.

              Changing ‘Gender’ without deviating sexually however should be fine imho… I’m a straight male and I have never shunned anybody for what they think or believe, many of which were very different than my experience of life or personal belief. If I can’t relate I just accept, and I don’t think any information about genderfluidity would have changed me, but instead maybe even better educated me to know how to respect others that are cause I’ve been in quite a few arguments about it just for being uninformed about something that didn’t apply to me. It’s harder than it should be to ask “why” for reasoning and clarification as a binary without apparently sounding condescendent, so advance information about it would have actually been helpful to me… 😅

      • @[email protected]
        119 months ago

        You wanna hear something mind-blowing? When I go to a library and don’t like a book I just don’t read it…

        • Throwaway
          -89 months ago

          Yeah, doesn’t mean that libraries can or should carry every book ever made. School libraries should have books appropriate for the students.

          • @[email protected]
            99 months ago

            Problem is idiots will see an authors last name being Gay and immediately call for a ban without even knowing what’s in the book.

      • Doctor xNo
        9 months ago

        Oh, these kinds of “banned books for children”… 😅

        Thank you so much for not just downvoting me, but at least enlightening me of what I didn’t get! I appreciate that! Many just downvote without making me any wiser, even when I ask for clarification… 😅

        Either way, those kinds of books are indeed not for children and are bad to be getting in candy, hands down agreed on that! I just saw “banned books” and assumed books with information that make you question the powers that be or the preset values taught… It’s ok to think differently and to critic information that only comes from one side of the story. But it of course is a bad thing to give any sexual or gorey content to children, I just didn’t think about that kind of bad when it is put in front of “books”, tbh, if it’s sexual content I’d more expect it to be ‘pictures’ then instead of ‘books’,…

        Anyway, again, thanks for clarifying!

          • Doctor xNo
            9 months ago

            Damn, the bloody female-napkin, however weird it feels, is still kind of educational for girls not to be scared to dead if this ever happens, and maybe lessen the shame of it a bit too as it normalizes it a bit and it is a very common part of life that way too often still gets seen as ‘disgusting’, while it’s just nature…

            The sex-toy thing however does go over the line, though, there’s nothing educationally useful in that information. They’ll find out about those eventually anyway and there’s literally no need to specifically mention it exists to children at any age…

            What does either of those things educationally have to do with being queer, though? Call me conservative for saying this but I’d expect a book about the differences of being queer to be, well… about the differences of being queer actually, not the (slightly) taboo similarities that are controversial in any book to begin with… 😅

      • DancingIsForbidden
        9 months ago

        blood soaked tampon left until the blood curdled. It’s not exactly appropriate for kids

        Well shit, I’m in my early 30s and that’s definitely sounding like it’s not appropriate for me either 🤢