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This was uploaded to Redgifs by someone calling themselves PiggiePunisher. He or she has social media listed on their profile there, including Reddit, you could try asking. I honestly don’t know beyond that.
Oops, that was me being silly. I was on mobile and my app didn’t show the redgif link. Looks like it’s OC by PiggiePunisher and they don’t publish longer videos. Anyways, thank you for your quick reply! :)
Anyone knows the source of this?
This was uploaded to Redgifs by someone calling themselves PiggiePunisher. He or she has social media listed on their profile there, including Reddit, you could try asking. I honestly don’t know beyond that.
Oops, that was me being silly. I was on mobile and my app didn’t show the redgif link. Looks like it’s OC by PiggiePunisher and they don’t publish longer videos. Anyways, thank you for your quick reply! :)