• Fushuan [he/him]
    39 months ago

    I work in Spain, we don’t have sick days. If the doctor says we are not apt to work, we take a leave intil the doctor says so. Indefinitely. No maximum. As long as the doctor says.

    This limit thing is so weird. Yeah, you can use them as vacation of you are healthy but that’s an abuse and then when you need them you will be vulnerable without days. It’s better to have infinite days, to be used only when you are actually sick, as stated by your doctor.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      Indefinitely. No maximum. As long as the doctor says

      I work in Spain, happen to be on sick leave/disability, and that’s not exactly correct:

      • The doctor can only authorize 365 days of paid sick leave
      • After that, you get back to your company’s health insurer (“mutua”) who has 180 days of paid sick leave to either:
        • Treat you until you’re healed (or claim you’re healed) and put you back to work (if you refuse, you get fired)
        • Grant you permanent disability

      If the insurer decides that you’re healed, you can’t go back onto a sick leave for the same reason for… I think it’s 6 months.

      • Fushuan [he/him]
        19 months ago

        Right right, if your leave is longer than a year the permanent inability (incapacidad permanente, diferente a una discapacidad) cards pop up, since chances are you will never be able to be able to return to the same work you did, like an ernia for a driver and so on.

        In any case, people taking a year long leave is kind of rare and it’s practically limitless compared to the 2-30 days the other mentioned countries get.

        Good luck with your situation.