I’ve been informed that adblock plus sort of sucks now. If you’re looking for one, go for UBlock Origin.

  • @[email protected]
    808 months ago

    I miss non obtrusive adds, remember when add blockers weren’t a thing and we were all fine with the adds in the sidebar trying to sell us virus laden glittery custom mouse cursors? Instead we have an arms race where the net is essentially unuseable without an add blocker.

    • @[email protected]
      598 months ago

      I’m guessing you missed the time period where opening the wrong page would give you an infinite loop of un-closeable pop-up windows with background music.

      Ads were never really non-obtrusive. If advertisers could force you to listen to their slogan at max volume every time you opened your browser, they would do so without hesitation. If you ever saw an easily avoidable ad in the late 90s-early 00s, it wasn’t for lack of trying. They simply hadn’t personally figured out more annoying methods yet.

      • @[email protected]
        168 months ago

        I’m guessing you missed the time period where opening the wrong page would give you an infinite loop of un-closeable pop-up windows with background music.

        Now we’re graced with its spiritual successor - the full-screen browser tab that looks like an “antivirus” warning designed to freak people out and get them to call the 800 number to grant remote access to “fix” the virus.

    • @[email protected]
      198 months ago

      What magical era is this? Because the before-adblocker time I remember was a hellscape of pop-over popups, sometimes many of them from opening a single web page.

    • Blaster M
      138 months ago

      … ah, those were the days, of flash player ads that would grind your system to a halt with anti-aliased particle spam, minigames, and perhaps a virus too.

      Or the sneaky, stealthy, cpu grinding carpet bomb of the pop-under ads, only visible after you close the browsing window.