• @[email protected]
    -91 year ago

    for many matters trump and biden are identical

    trump moved the embassy to jerusalem, legitimizing israel’s violation of international law

    biden goes over and gives netanyahu a big hug on TV in order to make it clear to the whole world he openly endorses genocide

    trump started the border wall

    biden expanded construction on it

    trump unilaterally broke the iranian nuclear deal

    biden makes no real effort to reinstate it

    trump puts tariffs on chinese steel and other imports from china

    biden continues the same tariffs

    trump used “temporary” covid measures in order to refuse people at the border seeking asylum and separate families

    biden uses the same exact policies, again in violation of both international and internal laws

    the difference between them is narrow and focused on specific topics. for example biden is nice to the rainbow flag.

    • BraveSirZaphod
      111 year ago

      to make it clear to the whole world he openly endorses genocide

      If that’s your takeaway, you’ll have to forgive me for thinking that you’re not exactly engaging in any meaningful amount of good faith and moving on.

      It is amusing, however, that you say the only difference between them is in narrow specific topics after you’ve just cherrypicked a few select specific topics. As a member of that rainbow flag myself though, that’s a difference I rather appreciate.

      • @[email protected]
        -41 year ago

        I support gay rights, trans rights, whatever you wanna call yourself rights.

        But the 12+ million people living here illegally being promised immigration reform for decades, including by Biden, have it much harder than the gays and are continously ignored and lately the government has been increasingly hostile to them

        Biden, the supposed reformer, even did a photoshoot at the border with border patrol agents to inaugurate the expansion of the wall he promised to halt construction of.

        I grew up illegal. I was under DACA. I trusted Biden to do something, because he said he would. I realize now (I knew before but chose to believe) that it’s all a scam. And the worst part is. The kicker is… that I’m probably going to vote for him anyways.

        This country is a cruel uncaring machine that systematically crushes any sliver of hope.

        Reagan did more for illegals than any democrat ever did. Ronald fuckin Reagan. I’ll give Obama credit for DACA. I assumed Biden would continue in those steps, but instead he’s gone Full Trump.

        As for Israel, what they’re doing is genocide. If you read the facts and have any sliver of empathy or reason then you would see that. Biden knows. Trump knew. They don’t care. Because we actually don’t hold any humanitarian values. It’s all secondary to money and power

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            I’m a citizen now. I was illegal from 5-22

            This country, especially specific states, wouldn’t run without labor from illegals. Inflation would go up because Americans simply don’t work as hard and demand more $. The people running this country don’t actually want that to happen so they play a game where they’re anti-illegal but don’t make any significant moves to get rid of them.

            They’re a perfect population. A silent group that pays taxes, doesn’t pull from welfare, commits much less crime than Americans, and isn’t politically active.

            That’s why people like Trump will shout on and on about a wall when he actually knows the majority of illegals are visa overstays coming on planes. If ICE wanted to, they could deport every illegal tomorrow. I’ve seen the files from an immigration attorney. They have profiles of everyone.

            As for Israel v Gaza. Your same argument can be made to justify Hamas’s terror attack. Israel has been killing Palestinians for decades. Therefore in self defense they attack Israel and the dead civilians are an unnecessary evil to pay because the Palestinians have a right to exist.

            I personally think that civilians don’t deserve to die. Especially thousands of children. There are diplomatic solutions here.

            Reality is though, Israel is the aggressor and doesn’t want a diplomatic solution. The Hamas terror attack was appalling but if you look at the numbers, the number of dead Palestinian civilians dwarfs whatever Hamas did.

            The Palestinians are simply not strong enough to break free on their own. They will continue to get slowly exterminated unless something changes. This is the logic behind Hamas’s suicide attack. They either do something now or die.

            this is the type of country we support? Russia bombed a hospital and killed 4 people the president is talking about war crimes this and collective punishment that. Putin even got tried in the ICC.

            But when Israel does it the best he can do is say that Israel has a right to “self-defense” and give Netanyahu a big hug? Why do we bend over backwards and risk WW3 for such a country?

        • BraveSirZaphod
          31 year ago

          Immigration reform requires Congressional action, and I’m sure you know the state of Congress right now. I’m gonna take a wild guess that you’re on the younger side, haven’t been around for many presidential elections, and didn’t understand that statements made during the campaign are essentially a glorified wishlist unless they’re things that fall solely under executive authority. The fact of the matter is that no President has the power the unilaterally act on immigration.

          And as a fun fact, that Reagan bill from 1986 got through Congress with more Democrats voting for it than Republicans. In fact, if you only look at Republican votes in the House, the bill would have been voted down.


          So the real question is, if Biden had the Congress of 1986 rather than the current one that’s so dysfunctional we don’t even have a Speaker in the House, do you really think that nothing would be happening?

          I get that politics is depressing and deeply frustrating, and that change always happens way too slowly. But if you look at it and come away thinking that there’s no meaningful difference between the parties, you’re simply not paying attention.

          For what it’s personally worth, I’m in favor of largely unrestricted immigration and have also been frustrated with a lot of Biden’s actions. But I can also understand that there’s a level of political reality that has to be accepted. A lot of voters want some level of stronger border control. Tariffs are essentially a handout to domestic blue collar union workers which are vital to winning a presidential elections. It’s all cynical and shitty, but you either accept the reality of the situation, or you don’t and enjoy the consequences of empowering people who actually only care about money and personal power.

    • Jaysyn
      91 year ago

      You have no idea of what the State Dept is working on internally.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        Neither do you. We do both know, however, what they are doing. Like sending thousands of bombs to Israel so that they can kill more Palestinians. I believe the latest shipment was about 8,000 bombs. At the rate they’re, going that’s enough for a bit over a week.

        I understand there’s nuance to the situation that I’m ignoring to make a sparky comment. It’s obvious the US is trying to pull back the chain on Israel a little more tightly, especially after the hospital explosion, but at the end of the day Israel is an extension of the US.

        The ethnic cleansing and apartheid did not start Oct 7th. Both Biden and Trump have made it clear they are very pro-Israel. Probably Biden wouldn’t have moved the embassy, I think.

      • @[email protected]
        01 year ago

        yeah i guess i’m just dense.

        when biden says one thing and does another, i guess really he’s not breaking a promise. like with the saudis or with the border wall. i must be misunderstanding

        • Sparking
          11 year ago

          Yeah, he should just break the law and throw away years of foreign policy efforts. All for a constituency that is always going to find some reason to be mad at something else. Grow up.

          Obviously he should stick to campaign promises or not make them. That’s sloppy politics. But to say that the administration is exactly the same as trump, it’s kind of willfully ridiculous. There are reasons why the admin does these things. You can disagree with them, but I’m tired of the take that there is only really one political party bro.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Biden isn’t really expanding border wall construction. There hasn’t been a policy shift to build a giant wall to solve immigration issues. Just a single case of wall being built. Every one of your points are skin deep and ignores a lot of nuance. Not to mention the condescending comment on being nice to the rainbow flag.