• just another dev
    9 months ago

    I’m interested to hear what you think a vpn will protect you against. Or what you think the flaws in Toms arguments are.

    Edit: I don’t know about you, but I trust my own, GDPR-backed isp far, far more than I trust whichever foreign based vpn company. Especially if they for it for free or cheap.

    • 🖖USS-Ethernet
      19 months ago

      See, that’s the difference between us, you’re in a country that has really good privacy protections. I’m in a country where I am the product being sold even with services that I pay for. So yes, I’m happy to ship my encrypted, unlogged data out of my country.

      I don’t remember if I saw that video from Tom Scott or not, but I imagine his argument was along the lines of, “if you aren’t doing anything nefarious or you don’t live in a nation state that censors you, then you have nothing to worry about”.

      Yes, there are scummy VPN companies, just like there are scummy companies in any other industry. Yes, I see all of these YouTubers out here shilling for VPN companies, but I also see them shilling for food subscriptions, clothing subscriptions, and web browsers, among other things. YouTube, in general, has become predatory for ads both in and outside videos.

      • just another dev
        19 months ago

        The only thing you’re “protecting” yourself from by using a vpn to surf the Internet, is your own provider. It won’t stop any spying software on your phone, or any nefarious scripts on the websites you visit.

        Tom’s argument was more nuanced than that, which is why I linked it. I suggest you watch it and explain where he’s wrong if you want to give your argument to ignore him any weight. Ad hominems and “imagined” arguments alone won’t get you very far, I’m afraid.