• @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    “Hey America, I know you guys are having a domestic terrorism issue: so why don’t we make the people that contribute to society in a positive way less able to defend themselves?”

    It’s like you guys willfully ignore that there are literal fascists in this country that will not give up their guns.

    • Bizarroland
      48 months ago

      On a very minor technicality, since society is a group of people, every person in that group contributes to society. Some of them contribute negatively to society but it is still technically a contribution.

      All of that aside, given the recent state of human society, I feel like making property owners into felons for owning property that they legally purchased would only incentivize them to commit more felonious acts.

      • @[email protected]
        48 months ago

        making property owners into felons for owning property that they legally purchased

        I have a .22 “rifle”. Same gun as pictured, but shorter barrel with a stupid “handicap” stock to make it legal. After 14+ million of us bought one, the ATF said, “Nope. You’re a felon.” Aight. Mine stays in the safe at my private camp.

        And what did we gain here? We took a .22LR, that constantly jams, and made me a felon for owning a thing I bought legally.

        would only incentivize them to commit more felonious acts

        Well, I don’t know about that, but I certainly have less respect for gun laws now.

        And for you “high-capacity” mag banners; All of my guns, including this one, actually work far better with smaller mags. So… thanks for legislating that my gun makes killing more efficient?