(does not reflect my opinion, just thought it looked funny)

Less hostile when in context.

Taken from a YouTube channel called Not Just Bikes.

    • Seraph
      168 months ago

      What does it matter if they aren’t enforceable?

        • @[email protected]
          128 months ago

          That may work to a point, people who get off on their noisy shits are more than willing to put in the work themselves.

          • @smackmyballsoff
            17 months ago

            Yep, 99% of the time that’s the case around here. Live next to a well trafficked road and have heard enough to identify a modded exhaust. It’s very rare that the loud assholes have stock exhausts, they usually put money into buying loud shit or just slice their old one off for good measure.

            Also, even the modded exhausts wouldn’t be so bad if the drivers didn’t intentionally gun it just to make noise.

            Then come the motorcycle groups, they’re the absolute worst. Even one is bad, but when a group of 50 travel through here on a quiet day it’s just… sad, enraging etc.

            They’re the loudest we get around where I live, if ANYONE is breaking a noise ordinance it’s them, 50× over but I’ve never seen them pulled over or ticketed.

            I don’t care if they’re loud, go do that on a “back road” where the houses are an acre away, don’t do it on a small street where babies are sleeping barely 20 feet away from you. At that volume, being that close they’d might as well knock on your door and scream in your face.

            • Kaspar Houser
              88 months ago

              BECAUSE THEY ARE STROOOOOONG dude! That’s why loud! I LIIIIKKKEE THE STRONG FAST MACHINE! Strong manly, fast manly, LOUD MANLY!

              • @[email protected]
                8 months ago

                Amen brother. If your engine doesn’t make every dog in the neighborhood bark can you even call yourself a man? I wanna make every glass of water on the block shake like that scene in Jurassic park.

            • @[email protected]
              -18 months ago

              That’s not what homie is getting at.

              Irritatingly loud cars don’t come from the manufacturer like that. When you buy a car there’s no “annoyingly loud” option.

              People modify their cars. The objective is better performance, but the car will probably be louder.

              • Kaspar Houser
                8 months ago

                In what world? Are you naive? AMG alone is thriving their business model on loud cars. There is luxury brands like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Königsegg which are loud by design. There is muscle cars from Ford, Corvette, Cadillac etc.etc. There is loud Audis, Porsche, BMWs, Mercedes. There es even a ridiculously loud Volkswagen Golf GTI or R.

                Like what?!?!

                Edit: they even having a sound check feature on their websites lmao (at least Mercedes)

                Edit: for reference the Golf R has even a membrane build into to cockpit to amplify its sound to the passengers.