But ladies: brace yourselves. There’s a new one in town…

Last night, I received an unsolicited message from a man – on eBay.

Yes, you heard right: the online shopping portal.

What could the man who tracked me down on eBay hope to find out about me? Is it my penchant for mismatched china, all the better to pour Hendrick’s gin from, at ill-advised Sunday afternoon tea parties? Perhaps it’s my obsession with the exact shade of lipstick favoured by Sylvia Plath?

What he was actually doing, in fact, was going out of his way to contact me to tell me how wrong and how stupid I was; how I “don’t understand capitalism”. So incensed was this stranger, by a tongue-in-cheek piece I’d written sympathising with a Gen Z TikToker who went viral for crying about her first job after graduation, that he went all out to track me down.

  • @FuckThePolice
    108 months ago

    Is this an entire article about she got a message from a creep on eBay?