60fps, upscaled video. Best viewed on a loop: https://files.catbox.moe/h08l40.mp4

No control net inpainting, just text-to-image prompt with AnimateDiff, then a pass through some command line utilities for upscaling and frame interpolation, and finally ffmpeg to put it all back together. Trying to squeeze the most out of a measly 32 frames that Stable Diffusion will push out. Had to pick up PowerShell for the first time to tame all of it. So, I’m learning marketable skills here.

Edit: Might as well post a couple more: https://files.catbox.moe/rp58y9.mp4

and one from a couple days ago, run through the upres script: https://files.catbox.moe/i90wd7.mp4

  • @echoct
    411 months ago

    Was just about to ask for a guide. Thanks!