Gen Z is turned off by onscreen sex, a new study finds. Those born between 1997 and 2012 apparently prefer to see platonic relationships in film and TV.
Copyright is NOT use it or lose it. Franchising licensing contracts might occasionally have such terms but that’s not the primary reason, these companies just don’t like risk
Just make something that isn’t the exact same fucking thing I’ve seen 12 times, fuck
Recycling scripts and dragging 80 year old actors out of retirement makes for cheaper SEO and a higher gross from millennials/boomers.
New shit is risky, which means lower yield into the next quarter.
Also, copywriter/contract laws require media to use it or lose it. So you’re going to get an X-Men movie every five years whether you like it or not.
Copyright is NOT use it or lose it. Franchising licensing contracts might occasionally have such terms but that’s not the primary reason, these companies just don’t like risk
X-Men and Spiderman both revert to Marvel if they aren’t used… I want to say every five years.
Fantastic Four was acquired by Disney in '19, so that one is a moot point.
I think Team America: World Police proved that boring Hollywood sex isn’t what the people want.
It makes the studio money so it’s what gets green lit. Trying something new is risk. If could tank. Status quo FTL.