• @[email protected]
    8 months ago
    1. “Nope just you” – You accused a dozen people who voted you down of not being able to read. You specifically said Lemmy users can’t read, so maybe the entire user base? By the way I didn’t vote down anything. You also tossed in a “you people” for good measure.

    2. The “…” part dismisses the important bit of "regardless of where it came from. So it’s not read as “would be … if” but instead “would be … regardless” which might be everyone’s confusion by your comment?

    3. Which doesn’t continue the conversation, but dismisses it.

    4. I’m sure there are plenty of people getting 200k dollar loans out there. Vast vast majority? Nah. That’s the “we” I’m talking about. It at least seems like each billionaire came from rich families, even though it’s trendy to pretend they’re self made, but we can’t prove anything either way because it’s all hidden. Self made with Harvard connections for the win!

    Oh, and yes I hate Elon Musk, like anyone who is using their power/influence to cause harm to others. Dude’s attacking Wikipedia right now for fucks sake.

    Have fun out there and stay safe

    • @[email protected]
      08 months ago

      People pile on downvotes before they finish reading a comment, welcome to the internet. If you think downvotes mean anything then you must be real new around here. But the bizarre part is that you’re still arguing like I’m disagreeing with you lol. You pretty much just expanded on what I said about wealth privilege in #4 in an argumentative strawmaney way to make an entirely different point than where we started, so who’s moving goalposts?

      • @[email protected]
        08 months ago

        Got it, downvotes are random from stupid people who don’t read I guess. Except that time it was “just me” then it went back to the others, too, again.

        Instead of arguing that you disagreed, I offered a suggestion of why (now 22 people) thought you were being dismissive or apologist or otherwise didn’t like your comment (unless they’re all just stupid and can’t read).

        And replying to your thought on “plenty of entrepreneurs” is a strawman? You brought it up. I was talking about getting money from family. The ones who had college paid for and got family loans and pretend to be self made. Then you brought up bank loans and entrepreneurs. So I did what you said and continued the thread. Websites like to make lists of handfuls of people who didn’t do it with connections.