Bubba Copeland shot himself in front of police on Friday, days after he begged 1819 News not to expose his private life.

  • Nougat
    8 months ago

    Also a pastor, “shot himself in front of police during a welfare check.” It also appears that his wife was aware and involved with the hobby (not with the suicide), presumably in a supporting way.

    I may disagree very strongly with this guy’s politics, but fuck the assholes who make this shameful.

    @Poutinetown quotes from the article:

    … even though it does not appear [Copeland] had taken any public positions against LGBTQ issues that could be construed as hypocritical.

          • FaceDeer
            168 months ago

            It’s not a “rare example”, it’s the whole point of the leopard-eating-face thing. People support a political party and then react with shock when the party carries through with its promises in a way that hurts them.

            It’s not news when someone votes for the leopard and then sits back smugly while the leopard eats the faces of other people.

            • @[email protected]
              48 months ago

              I’m referring specifically to the act of him killing himself.

              Republicans have a track record of voting against their own interest and *shocked pikachu* oh no! These policies are hurting me??

              This guy took it a step further by being the one to pull the trigger.

              …if only that wasn’t rare. If our nation’s trash made a habit of taking itself out as this fucker did, a lot of problems would get fixed very quickly. The opposite is usually what happens - evil shits are like cockroaches.

              • @[email protected]
                -28 months ago

                Your comment here is seriously making me rethink ever partaking in political discussion, let me just wrap my head around this for a second;

                So you think this guy deserved to kill himself or die because of some of his political beliefs? How are you better than they are exactly? Look at me, no tolerism bullshit or anything like that when I say this.

                Nobody deserves to die because of social issues or image.

                • @[email protected]
                  28 months ago

                  See, every time that objection pops up, it’s always wrapped up into “just because of political beliefs” or “a difference of opinion” like the core of the problem is a disagreement over spending a city’s budget on a new bridge vs a new rail station; or whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza.

                  This guy’s “political beliefs” is that life should be hell for a long list of out-groups. Working toward that goal makes him evil, and being evil means he should be removed from power by whatever means available. In this case, he did us all a favor by eating a bullet. Ideally he would have taken all this as a point of self reflection, realized the hypocrisy of his dilemma, and abandoned the evil shit to go on to advance policy that actually made his community a better place. Instead he decided to abandon his life. And in doing so, this world became a little less evil, which is a win for the rest of us.

                  Personally I’m over the sentiment that no one deserves to die. It keeps villains in power, which feeds into the suffering and deaths of everyone else. When one of those assholes decides to commit suicide for whatever reason, or fatally runs their car into a tree, or gets hit by a well-placed meteor, etc: the loss of evil is worth celebrating.

                  • @[email protected]
                    38 months ago

                    As our greatest thespian Samuel L Jackson once said “Yes they deserve to die! And I hope they burn in hell!”

      • @[email protected]
        348 months ago

        The blog reported that Copeland, a Republican, confirmed that the accounts were run by him, saying they were a “hobby” he used for “getting rid of stress.” 1819 News reported that Copeland asked them to not out him, but they did so anyway, even though it does not appear he had taken any public positions against LGBTQ issues that could be construed as hypocritical.

        • @[email protected]
          108 months ago

          even though it does not appear he had taken any public positions against LGBTQ issues that could be construed as hypocritical.‘’

          Being GOP and anywhere on the LGBTQIA spectrum is inherently hypocritical.

      • @[email protected]
        68 months ago

        'Ol Bubba knew the wolves would turn on him.

        But anyway, what is with this. Is it that this secretive cross-dressing thing seems correlated with repressed sexual desires or what?

        JCS covered that one Canadian colonel serial killer who would cross-dress, sneaking into women’s homes.

        Then I just watched this 48 Hours case about a dad who killed his son after they found pictures of him cross-dressing and literally eating his own shit.


        • @[email protected]
          88 months ago

          People tend to sexualize the taboo. In a society where gender is seen as set in stone and comes with a bunch of stupid bullshit like what clothes it’s socially acceptable to wear some people will sexualize violating the taboos

          • @[email protected]
            18 months ago

            Hate is a strong emotion. Hatefucking is a real thing. I’m sure Pornhub has data showing an increase of searches for Middle Eastern people after 9/11.

        • @[email protected]
          18 months ago

          Alright, not gonna lie that last one threw me for a loop.

          Pretty sure it was the last part that caused him to do that, I think the gap between crossdressing and scatophagy (is that a word yet?) is pretty far.

    • @[email protected]
      158 months ago

      You’d think some empathy would be in order. However, judging from the comments made on the bird website, many people are actually proud of this happening.

    • @[email protected]
      138 months ago

      This is tragic but I feel like shaking the people trying to shame or guilt the ones who outed and ridiculed the Mayor.

      “Are you happy now?”

      Yes, of course they are. The cruelty is the point.