Israel’s military has claimed it has encircled Gaza City and divided the besieged coastal strip into two, as Gaza came under its third total communications outage since the start of the war.

“Today, there is north Gaza and south Gaza,” Israeli army spokesman Daniel Hagari told reporters on Sunday, calling it a “significant stage” in Israel’s war against Hamas.

Israeli media reported that troops are expected to enter Gaza City within 48 hours. Strong explosions were seen in northern Gaza after nightfall.

But the “collapse in connectivity” across Gaza reported by internet access advocacy group and confirmed by the Palestinian telecom company Paltel made it even more complicated to convey details of the new stage of the military offensive.

  • @[email protected]
    158 months ago

    It seems Hamas way overestimated how much compassion Israelis would have for hostages, journalists, or innocent children…

    • Annoyed_🦀 🏅
      138 months ago

      It’s a serious miscalculation. IDF has been show not giving a fuck about collateral damage. They shot children to disperse riot. They snipe children and tell the world the kids are armed. They murder journalist then blame it on Hamas.

      According to the survivor account, Hamas purposefully inform the police and wait for them to come, instead of retreat with the hostage. They really thought they can talk it off with the police and IDF but they really don’t know their enemy at all.

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        Let’s not call it “collateral damage” when it’s deliberately shooting or bombing children or other civilians. The term “collateral damage” was the US military’s euphemism for supposedly accidental killing of civilians. The IDF doesn’t even care to make it look accidental.