• @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    I get it, but this take fucking worries me, dawg. The last time the Democrats played the “I don’t have to try and appeal to you because the other guy is Hitler, lol” card, ‘Hitler’ won. It’s even a little on the nose that this is coming from Hillary. I’m worried that they’re falling into the same intellectually and politically bankrupt trap as in 2016, that they’re aware that they don’t have a meaningful platform besides “we’re not republicans”, and that they’ve somehow convinced themselves that this is enough. The republicans of 2020 and 22 also had that same absence of platform, absence of appeal, and just trying to coast on party brand, and look where that got them. Shit is on fire, we don’t have time for these dumb fuck games, let alone for Trump to win again. C’mon guys, don’t fuck this up.

    • Dojan
      5511 months ago

      They’re always going to fuck up. That’s what they do. Most of them belong in retirement communities yet for whatever reason think they have what it takes to run a government. They’re disconnected from reality yet expect to appeal to regular people, who have to suffer in the reality they’ve created?

      Expect more shitshows.

      • @[email protected]
        2111 months ago

        The grassroots efforts are the only reason Dems enjoying their recent victories. Hard-working people who want to see progress. We’d be looking at a red Congress if not for them, and I look forward to when the DNC is irrelevant, too.

        • @[email protected]
          311 months ago

          Grassroots movements have been getting shit on since at least the 70’s trying to get people to vote for the lesser of two evil parties. Look where we ended up.

          It’s crazy to me people keep trying to fix the Democratic party instead of just letting that corrupt tower of shit collapse. You got people like Hillary Clinton at the top. Nothing will ever change there but a little bread and circus here and there.

          • @[email protected]
            911 months ago

            It’s crazy to me people keep trying to fix the Democratic party instead of just letting that corrupt tower of shit collapse.

            I agree, but I don’t know how we could do that and not essentially hand the election to Republicans. Republicans might be shit, but since at least the Southern Strategy, they’ve created a reliable voting bloc who vote based on party affiliation, personality, or single issues.

            The only way forward I can see is to incrementally change the foundation (from local up), so that toppling the top doesn’t have such a dramatic effect.

            • @[email protected]
              111 months ago

              If you’re never willing to lose one election then nothing will change.

              The democratic party is just like the republican one extremely rotten from the inside. The people at the top

              You see people at the white house quitting left right and center right now, all saying that trying to change the existing system has been a waste of decades of their life and they have just given up on it.


              You cannot change a power structure from the bottom if the people at the top have proven to be unwilling for change.

              • @[email protected]
                011 months ago

                Sure you can. It’s already happening. Just look at all the local wins we just had. Even if we have to build something better from the inside out, that’s the only way forward, imo.

                • @[email protected]
                  011 months ago

                  Local wins sure. At the small scale you can do a shuffle here and there. But at the top there are certain rules such as forced support of israel and they will immediately shut down any dissedence and protest against them.

                  Maybe this video of the same guy that just quit where he goes in depth about it will provide you more insight.


          • @[email protected]
            211 months ago

            Completely agree, the DNC is far too corrupt to change from within. We need to let them fail, and fail hard, to drive home the need for a new progressive party. This could happen within one election cycle, but thanks to the extremely dangerous game played by these establishment politicians, that likely means Trump 2.0. We’ve been put in an impossible position but I also think there’s no better time than now.

    • teft
      3011 months ago

      When she called them deplorables they ate it up. She just needs to not stick her nose in.

      • Narrrz
        11 months ago

        yeah, i came here to post that she is not the person to voice this. anyone currently supporting trump isn’t going to suddenly switch sides to his opponent in the original race, it actually just weakens the argument.

        • Capt. Wolf
          211 months ago

          If she’s not going to suck republican voter dick, anything she says, no matter how true right now is only going to do damage. She needs to shut her trap, go back to being irrelevant, and continue to consider herself lucky that she and Bill still never went to jail over Whitewater…

          • Narrrz
            411 months ago

            I think even that would just confirm their opinion of her, lol

        • @[email protected]
          -1411 months ago

          People don’t like smart women. Especially when they are right. It’s something culturally strange about the US.

      • @[email protected]
        -211 months ago

        Biden’s Corporate Donors.

        These people must have hated it when Biden created a 15% minimum corporate tax rate.

        • subignition
          911 months ago

          These people must have hated it when Biden created a 15% minimum corporate tax rate.

          If the status quo is any indication, corporate tax rules are largely performative. I would be happy to be wrong about that and see actual enforcement happen as a result of the Inflation Reduction Act, but I’m not gonna hold my breath.


          There is some detailed guidance about the CAMT I found here, but someone with more specific knowledge will have to parse through it to determine how easily they are gonna be able to dodge this, too.


          • @[email protected]
            111 months ago

            These people must have hated it when Biden created a 15% minimum corporate tax rate.

            If the status quo is any indication, corporate tax rules are largely performative.

            First of all NO tax increase is ever “performative”. That is a completely meaningless sentence. 2nd, you obviously don’t understand how rare and difficult it is to increase taxes. 3rd, you obviously don’t understand how critical it is to raise taxes on the wealthy.

            • subignition
              111 months ago

              Did you click through to the first article I linked? I called them performative because corporations just exploit loopholes to avoid paying their dues anyway.

              I understand the importance of raising taxes on the wealthy. However, I also understand that those efforts will be meaningless if they aren’t backed up on the enforcement side.

          • @[email protected]
            011 months ago

            The entire point of the 15% MINIMUM tax rate is that their are no loopholes around it.

            It’s not like they were paying the ostensible 12% taxes they owed before.

            You know nothing about taxes. The rate was reduced by Convicted Rapist Treason Trump from 34% to the current 20%.

            It’s not Biden’s fault that you don’t understand or pay attention to crucial current events.

    • Doc Avid Mornington
      1511 months ago

      It’s not an accident. The country is moving left, and the right-wing Democrats are afraid of losing control of the party. They almost did, twice. They don’t take the “the other guy is Hitler” rhetoric seriously, themselves. They aren’t worried about losing their power if the Republicans win the Whitehouse, or even both branches of Congress, because it’s all one big club, and they won’t be kicked out, as long as they go along to get along, but they are terrified that a leftist rise will take the reigns of the Democratic party from them, and then they really will be out of power.

    • @[email protected]
      1111 months ago

      The thing those people don’t understand is that they think democracy is a goal onto itself, instead of a means to an end. A good chunk of the population would happily get rid of democracy in order to have someone in power ‘who can just get stuff done’. Especially since said democracy is ridiculously unresponsive to the will of the people.

      Compare the polling on the Gaza conflict compared to what members in the house are saying, for example. Or any other super popular thing (legalising weed, taxing the wealthy, not running a global empire that constantly gets involved in wars,…)

      And, for the record, Hillary, Hitler never got over 50% of the vote, it was other, so-called democratic parties that gave him the Chancellor job. They could’ve created a different governing coalition, but they thought they could control him.

        • @[email protected]
          411 months ago

          Well, the issue with electing one of those people is that you usually can’t vote them out again. It’s definitely not a good move, but when people are desperate enough and they feel ignored by their representatives, they’ll roll that dice.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      Dems lose because dems gamble. They always pick some rando as VP instead of the person who got the second most votes in the primary. They should’ve gotten rid of the electoral college when Gore lost. They keep running and electing excruciatingly old people who might die or go senile in the middle of everything (Biden, Feinstein, Pelosi, etc.).

    • Poggervania
      511 months ago

      They’re gonna fuck it up.

      Honestly, I truly believe that both Democratic and Republican politicians benefit from all the bullshittery going on - so of course they’ll actually do nothing to improve the situation for America’s citizens. As long as they get money and they get paid, they’ll say and do whatever the fuck they can, including fucking things up for us.

      Probably not much better across the pond, but I am finding myself more and more looking up how to become a UK citizen because at least they have less zany shit going on from what I can tell.

      • roguetrick
        611 months ago

        both Democratic and Republican politicians benefit from all the bullshittery going on

        They absolutely don’t. They just have a very short term view because of reelection cycles and fundraising needs. You’d think their capitalist masters would also realize this increasing polarization and dissatisfaction with the status quo is going to make the line go down, but nobody ever accused economic liberals of actually being aware when the noose was tightening on their necks.

    • @[email protected]
      111 months ago

      I get this, but at the same time, we are also seeing a ton of fallout from those 4 years that’s all currently in the spotlight, which is something we didn’t have in 2016. So despite what she is saying, I think a lot of people are actually seeing the mess, and at least some people are switching sides due to it all. Hoping that the mix of everything really does help next year, last night’s elections were a good sign of it if you ask me but we know they now have a year to pivot and try to change. Thankfully, most of the people in their own party can’t even agree on much either.