I Guess it should be capitalized, but still.

  • Purple
    8 months ago

    ios is underlined because it is grammar checked to iOS. I think capitalization matters to autocorrect.

    Ps. Posted on iOS not android

    Pps. Android is not spellchecked when lowercase but iOS is?? ios android

    Ppps. Why is Ps allowed but not Pps?

    Pppps. This is getting ridiculous.

    Ppppps. Haha I said pp

    Pppppps. This is the last one unless someone comments something that makes me want to edit this comment

    Ppppppps. Edit: I said comments something I’m my last ps and It should be replies. This is the final one for real

    Pppppppps. Edit 2: I said I’m instead of in. This is the final one for real for real