• @[email protected]
    110 months ago

    There are problems with anything. I’m not saying that’s the answer for everyone, but it’s better a lot of times than having disengaged parents. On the positive part of that spectrum, I’ve seen a fairly dumb kid, who was getting in with the wrong crowd be pulled from school by his parents and homeschooled such that he is now a doctor.

    • Flying Squid
      110 months ago

      I showed you a link that talks about the giant problem of abuse and neglect in homeschool and your response is “there are problems with anything?”

      And then you said-

      I’m not saying that’s the answer for everyone, but it’s better a lot of times than having disengaged parents.

      Which makes you think you didn’t even look at the link. The whole point is that lots of homeschoolers do have disengaged parents.

      In most states, homeschooling is entirely unregulated. I have no idea why you think it’s a good solution for any but a very small number of children. Your anecdotal example doesn’t change that.

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        My point is that engaged parents work. Homeschooling aside. Your seem fixated on that, but it wasn’t the main topic. You are diverting the conversation with a false dichotomy.

        • Flying Squid
          110 months ago

          If that was your point, then maybe you should realize that there are lots of engaged parents in “ghetto” areas and lots of disengaged parents that aren’t in “ghetto” areas. And my point was we all know what you meant when you use the term “ghetto.”

          • @[email protected]
            110 months ago

            That a large portion of black people create communities around victimhood instead of around prizing family and education.

              • @[email protected]
                110 months ago

                Before you discard my opinions, as gen-Z likes to do, I’d recommend reading Black Rednecks and White Liberals.

                • Flying Squid
                  110 months ago

                  No thanks, I don’t think I’ll read a Thomas Sowell book just so you can justify your bigotry by saying “see? A black guy wrote it.” I’m sure you defend Clarence Thomas the same way.

                  • @[email protected]
                    110 months ago

                    Seems that you only like reading things that reaffirm your narrow world-view. I’m a liberal in many respects including a woman’s right to choose up to the time of birth. It is not an offense to read from different voices that might give clout to a viewpoint that you don’t necessarily support, just to see what evidence can be provided. Especially when the individual is so well accomplished and his sources are solid and well referenced. It’s not like I’m saying to read Robert Kennedy’s book, which has been thoroughly disproven.