It’s Official: With “Vermin,” Trump Is Now Using Straight-up Nazi Talk He’s telling us what he will do to his political enemies if he’s president again. Is anyone listening?

I feel pretty safe in saying that we can now stop giving him the benefit of that particular doubt. His use—twice; once on social media, and then repeated in a speech—of the word “vermin” to describe his political enemies cannot be an accident. That’s an unusual word choice. It’s not a smear that one just grabs out of the air. And it appears in history chiefly in one context, and one context only.

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    Saying “everyone knows this” while actaul facts are presented and then you double down?

    That is not logical. Or reasonable. Or good faith.

    You are doing the Trump, “everyone’s saying it…” and defending it while being factually wrong.

    Got an article that says I’m wrong? You don’t, do you. That’s why you’re resisting.

    Why are you so all-in on spouting falsehoods in this thread?

    • @[email protected]
      -111 months ago

      Sure, burden of proof lays with the accuser. An editorial, evidence it is not.

      I’m glad the arbiter has spoken, have you any more decrees I should grovel for?

      No I’m saying use Google, you won’t trust me anyway clearly so read it or don’t, it’s not going to bother me.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        I have used Google both ways. It doesn’t say what you assert and the link works. I get that you’ve used up All your free clicks on every news source on the internet and now the internet is pay walled and you like that as a shutdown technique.

        Just stop spreading falsehoods that matter.

        • @[email protected]
          011 months ago

          Parse this extremely complicated set of circumstances if you will.

          Trump has a legal fund.

          His legal team including Rudy Giuliani keep saying they haven’t been paid yet.

          Trump has a legal fund…

          That sounds like something he got in trouble for with campaign funds iirc it was something with an f… Fued, no. feudal, nah. fan, don’t think so… Fra… Frau… Fraud… Fraud! It’s fraud!

            • @[email protected]
              011 months ago

              It heavily implies he’s using the funds for things other than legal defense, and notably it isn’t just Giuliani it’s the vast majority of his legal team and former lawyers.

              • @[email protected]
                111 months ago

                Even at the peak of his fortune, he stiffed people if he could expect they wouldn’t sue,or sue successfully.

                His Leadership PAC has money. Not as much as it did, but it’s got enough for a while. He’s been paying legal fees for certain other people too. This does not look like lack of funds. It’s just cold hard greed. And maybe spite.

                Remember those are the losers who misadvised him (in his perspective).

                • @[email protected]
                  011 months ago

                  Very true.

                  Sure, he can’t use it for legal defense though. That’s what he’s in trouble for now. It can be all of the above and fraud, if it has a specific purpose and he’s not using it for that then he’s committing fraud.

                  Sure, that’s not a legal defense though.

                  • @[email protected]
                    111 months ago

                    That’s the thing. There’s sloppy reporting going on and people have grown accustomed to thinking that Trump only does illegal things. He can spend from the Leadership PAC for his (or others’) legal fees. This was ruled on by the government, so this isn’t “editorial” stuff.

                    He’s in the clear as long as he’s using Leadership PAC funds. His New York business accounts are in dispute. That’s worth $250 million… but if he has access to more than that sum, he can afford lawyers - and likely his lifestyle.