• @[email protected]
    28 months ago

    32 to 37.779? You just converted 0C to F (backwards) and 100F to Celsius…

    0F is way lower than the temperature water freezes at (32F). Water freezes at 0C.

    Comfortable temperatures are between 22C and 27C, let’s say, which converts roughly to 72F to 80F. None of these are “more intuitive” than the other.

    If I see ice, I know it’s below 0C. If water boils in my pot, I know it reached a temperature close to 100C. Fahrenheit on the other hand is based on completely arbitrary points.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      Lmao I’m so dumb, I was very tired and wrote this in a state of “brain please wake up” limbo.

      Point still stands, just 0 to 100 and -17.777 to -37.778

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        Your brain must still be a little tired, because why on earth would you think we would use Fahrenheit’s 0 and 100 as a basis for anything in Celsius?

        I could say the same thing backwards: 0 to 100 C is 32 to 212 F.

        The only reason there aren’t weird decimals there, is because Fahrenheit was later adjusted to have whole numbers at those same (water based) temperatures.