The Israel Defense Forces releases surveillance camera footage from Shifa Hospital showing Hamas terrorists bringing a Nepali and Thai citizen who were abducted from Israel on October 7 to the medical center.

  • @[email protected]
    218 months ago

    Yeah . Because Hamas apparently were treating prisoners humanely.

    I can see why humane treatment of prisoners and outsiders can seem crazy to some countries, but it is a rule of war.

    Aw hell, just add it to the list of ignored rules.

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        … who are then taken … say it with me … prisoner.

        Yeah, to us they’re hostages, sure. But if every citizen of the other nation happens to be a reservist after their gap year of service, they’re unarmed ‘enemy’ soldiers on extended leave.

        I’m sure the answer is somewhere in the middle and can’t be so simply decided on the outside by people who sleep soundly at night.