• @[email protected]
    167 months ago

    Pathologists of Lemmy : does most people (36y old, …) dying from a single punch have a pre-existing condition ? Looks quite odd.

    • Boozilla
      527 months ago

      It can happen. Punches to the face, head, and neck are more dangerous than some people realize. I won’t say lethality is super common. But if you punch someone in anger, be prepared for serious consequences.

      For example, sometimes a sinus collapses, sending bone fragments into the brain from a single hard blow to the wrong place. (I am not a doctor, but this happened to a kid in my home town in the 80s.)

      • @[email protected]
        337 months ago

        It happens quite often. I’m a paramedic and have responded to scenes numerous times where the patient was only hit in the face once and died. I actually remember, years ago, it happened two shifts in a row in the same parking lot. There was a bar there that commonly had fights outside after it closed. Both times, people told me the person was punched in the face only one time. One of the two he was laying in the grass, so it wasn’t even like he bashed his head on the pavement after.

    • @[email protected]
      217 months ago

      15 years ago, my taekwondo instructor punched a mugger in the chest only once, and the man’s rib broke and stabbed his heart and then he died. My instructor spent spent 2 or 3 years of jailtime for the crime “unintentionally killing”.

    • 567PrimeMover
      137 months ago

      Not a pathologist, but it isn’t unheard of to die from a punch. It happens more often than you’d think

    • VaultBoyNewVegas
      97 months ago

      Can definitely happen. I guy died in my country years ago because someone punched him outside a pub and he fell.

    • mrnotoriousman
      97 months ago

      Not a pathologist but def if you got the right place anything can happen. As an anecdote, when I was growing up a fight started on the sidewalk I’m front of my house with some teens (not like big guys by any measure) and the guy threw one punch and the dude got knocked out. Hit him right in the temple and the dude died in the hospital after.

    • @[email protected]
      67 months ago

      Several years ago in my city a guy got punched once outside of a bar, fell backwards, and broke his neck on the street curb. “Just one punch” can do a hell of a lot of damage, if you get hit in the wrong spot or fall the wrong way.

    • roguetrick
      67 months ago

      Likely a skull fracture. I doubt it was done with a fist. More likely a bat.

      Nikhil’s nose and some teeth were broken.

      • theodewere
        87 months ago

        The police further informed that “during the fight, Renuka punched Nikhil in the face. The impact of the punch was so hard that Nikhil’s nose and some teeth were broken. With heavy bleeding, Nikhil lost consciousness.”

        there’s no hint of a weapon, and the only word they use is “punch”… she has a deadly fist…

        • roguetrick
          7 months ago

          Yeah, I have a feeling something was lost in the translation. You would mangle your hand doing that.