Quick notes;

  • Clients may not work with the beta version for now. Please log out and log in back again to test it. Please request support from client devs.
  • Blur NSFW and auto expand features are part of official Lemmy now, you can find these on profile settings.
  • Beta version has some bugs, please report them on the repo.
  • You can now block instances with this version
  • @show_me_what_you_got_grrl
    67 months ago

    Thank you for upgrading! I know these things aren’t easy. Especially for a new(er) platform like Lemmy

    Some more notes on what is included in the 0.19 version. Personally, for this instance the ‘rewrite images to use local proxy’ feature for privacy and the scaled sort option for vitalizing smaller communities look especially promising

    Lemmy 0.19.0-rc.4 and Development Update - 2023-11-03