I’ll get this out of the way right now, I’m a progressive socialist and Kissinger’s legacy in the world is one of reactionary repression and suffering. I find pretty much everything he stood for to be wrongheaded and harmful to society.

That said, celebrating someone dying in the way that’s happening now shows disrespect to human life and an utter lack of humanity. I understand the motivation, but it should be fought against by remembering that no one is ever just one thing, everyone is a mix of good and bad, and we certainly shouldn’t give in to the desire to rejoice at another’s death, no matter what we think of them.

  • Poggervania
    10 months ago

    It’s weird how more and more people celebrate death because of this really extreme “us vs them” mentality that’s been developed.

    I recall a lot of people were strangely happy when the people in that Titantic sub fucking died solely because the victims were rich people. Like… seriously? It was also weirdly morbid how people treated it like a spectacle with the Twitter account that was counting down the hours of air left.

    • @[email protected]
      710 months ago

      If you can’t celebrate the death of a monster responsible for literally millions of dead human beings, what can you celebrate? If you can’t celebrate the deaths of rent-seeking purveyors of misery and exploitation, what can you celebrate?

      Oh, I know! You can only celebrate entirely fictitious things like the birth of a “saviour”, right?

      • Poggervania
        410 months ago

        Incredibly presumptuous of you :) I personally think we should celebrate the Feast of Sol Invictus - at least we’re celebrating a tangible thing that gives us life!

        If you can’t celebrate the death of a monster responsible for literally millions of dead human beings, what can you celebrate? If you can’t celebrate the deaths of rent-seeking purveyors of misery and exploitation, what can you celebrate?

        How about instead of wasting energy celebrating the death of an asshole, we spend it towards helping the people who got fucked over by those assholes? Kissinger did some pretty awful shit, but celebrating his death does just as much as mourning his death imo. Maybe we should try and advocate change for the people of Cambodia or something? That part I don’t know - what can we do to help those that were directly affected in a negative manner by these fuckin douchenozzle rich assholes in power?

        • @[email protected]
          310 months ago

          Oh, I’m sorry! I had no idea it was impossible to both celebrate AND help people.

          I stand corrected. Apparently human beings are incapable of doing multiple things.

        • Maeve
          110 months ago

          We’re celebrating that the world is a boy brighter, for this.

        • Melkath
          010 months ago

          Your high road horse shit is worth a piss in the wind.

          Get off your high horse. Stop looking down on good people. Get mad at bad people.

    • Melkath
      410 months ago

      How is it weird or bizzare?

      The class war has taken us back to Depression era levels of poverty for the masses.

      Eat the rich.

      • Poggervania
        10 months ago

        How is it weird or bizzare?

        Because of shit like your post. You basically went ahead and justified celebrating death by spouting some banal left-sounding rhetoric. It’s honestly the same kind of energy that right-wing nuts have whenever they talk about “taking America back” and idealizing the death of liberals and left-leaning people.

        There’s a fine line between a “good riddance” and “WOOHOOO THIS FUCKER IS DEAD” - the latter should truly be reserved for people like Hitler. I can see the latter for a piece of shit like Kissinger, but not for the Titantic sub people.

        But unfortunately, most of the internet nowadays won’t take a more level-headed approach until either Critikal or Asmongold does (if they do).

        • Melkath
          110 months ago

          Your little name calling hissy fit missed on each mark.

          I consider myself an Independent/Anarchist.

          That said, if a man who has billions of dollars decides to pay 250k per seat to a man who has 12 million dollars to go on a ultra-mega-uber exclusive noone else can afford it voyage to see the Titanic in a vessel that has been speculated to have had a material cost (not engineering cost, material cost) of less than 50k dollars, then die by the model of the greed you spread in this world, then here is what I have to say.

          Rest in piss. So long mother fucker. Adios. You were an embarrassment in life and you will be a totem of dipshitery for as long as we remember “the dumb ass titanic submersible guy.”

          You could have spent a half million dollars to feed and clothe your neighbors. You could have fed a half million dollars back into your company to fairly pay your employees.

          No. You decided to go on a literal ego trip to your death.

          Only person I feel bad for in that story is the son, who never had an opportunity to demonstrate if he was an actual redeemable human being because someone who deserved a MUCH worse fate took a half million dollars to allow his father who deserved a MUCH MUCH worse fate to force him into the vessel.

          • Maeve
            210 months ago

            Especially when 300? died just trying to survive, in the same time frame as useless billionaires, and hardly got attention on media and sm.

    • livus
      210 months ago

      I would never celebrate the death of the people on the Titanic.

      But they were not responsible for the deaths of millions of people and the suffering of millions more.

      • Maeve
        210 months ago

        They could have alleviate the abject poverty of thousands and still maintained generational wealth. I’ve yet to meet decent billionaires. Maybe they earned it honestly from some accumulated good karma for prior lifetimes of decency.?

        • livus
          10 months ago

          I’m no fan of the people who died in it. I personally don’t celebrate the death of random bad people, even billionaires (who yes I agree, hoard resources by definition). They’re just deaths. Cogs in the machine.

          My point is the magnitude. Kissinger was a monster who went out of his way to deliberately cause and support wars and even genocides.