I’ll be getting an iPhone pro in a week or two, and have been an android user since forever. Never used any apple products before, this will for now be a secondary work phone for me. I’ll also have their Apple One? service.

Looking for app recommendations, tips, tricks any and all suggestions anyone might have for a first time iOS user, to make the transition a little smoother and a little fun.

Thank you all.

  • @[email protected]
    210 months ago

    Vivaldi: the one setting I changed was to block both Trackers and Ads. I do have the YouTube app installed. My Vivaldi bookmark for YouTube is for https://m.youtube.com/ other than that I’m clueless on why Vivaldi launches the YouTube app when you try to go to YouTube.

    The Shortcut folder is a great idea. I’ve currently got a Shortcut folder as a widget stack on my Home Screen.