• @[email protected]
      77 months ago

      No no, the service has to have the license. It’s like you buy a lambo from “steve’s lambos,” but he then 2y later loses the rights to sell lambos, lambo pulls their license. So lambo comes and takes your car out of the garage because the guy who sold it to you no longer has the right to sell it, even though he did have that right at the time of the transaction.

    • @[email protected]
      67 months ago

      It’s more like upfront paying a rented Lambo and the car dealer can order it back anytime without notice and reason. You know it’s rented although you paid a huge sum (often as high as a new Lambo) but it might have been the only way to get that specific model. You just hope they are a nice company and let you drive as long as possible. Also, you can’t resell it either ofc.

        • Neshura
          17 months ago

          Doesn’t make it any better of a practice. If anything it just highlights what kind of trashcan company Ferrari avtually is