Finally some good news! I’ve been waiting for quite a while for such a ruling.

Edit: Seems this cites an article from 2012, I didn’t notice that (and it’s still news to me). Though there’s still hope that it’ll happen, EU is slow, but usually eventually gets shit done.

  • @[email protected]
    87 months ago

    Didnt read the article. Does this mean steam will have to give the option to sell games or would you have to sell the whole account?

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      Edit: scratch that, someone paying more attention noticed the article cited is from 2012. There have probably been developments in the interim.

      It’s unclear(PDF)

      Where the copyright holder makes available to his customer a copy - tangible or intangible - and at the same time concludes, in return form payment of a fee, a licence agreement granting the customer the right to use that copy for an unlimited period, that rightholder sells the copy to the customer and thus exhausts his exclusive distribution right. Such a transaction involves a transfer of the right of ownership of the copy. Therefore, even if the licence prohibits a further transfer, the rightholder can no longer oppose the resale of that copy.