He’s coming right out and saying it. What more do people need? You’ll be safe if you’re a white, cishet, Christian man. Anyone else who helps this guy into office could be potentially signing their own death warrant and he’s coming right out and admitting it. Promoting it.

  • @[email protected]
    237 months ago

    Of course they’re not ultimately safe; nobody is with authoritarians, but they’ll be the safest for longer than anybody else. All of those demographics get immense privilege by default, and they’ll be wringing their hands as they watch everybody else lose their rights first.

    Naturally, there will be exceptions to that generality, and they might even fall along party lines—certainly religious ones (gotta be their brand of Christian™).

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      Remember how Putin’s best buddy Prigozhin became disillusioned and showed his displeasure and wound up DEAD? Yeah, almost all the orange mobster’s underlings have disagreed or abandoned him and suffered his, so far, impotent ire.