So proud of YouTube admitting to wanting to die too… 😅😂

(I hope this isn’t too dark. Marked it NSFW to be careful. No harm intended.)

And of course: This post is just dark humor. Please do not harm yourself!

  • Doctor xNoOP
    11 year ago

    Recycling isn’t forever either, though…

    I could be wrong, but I read somewhere you can only recycle plastic twice before it becomes unmanageable, and after recycling for over a decade we’ve currently reached the last stage of recycled plastic made of already recycled-before plastic, which would then mean that all those twice recycled plastics going around as drink bottles and alike now have reverted back to their original state and problem: They are back to being non-recycleable waste. 😅

    • @ChillDude69
      11 year ago

      I have heard so many different permutations of that whole thing, like: “well, this thermoplastic can only be recycled twice, but this dodecaphrastic ultraplastic can be recycled more times, but then the energy it takes to do the sorting and melting makes the whole thing meaningless, unless you’re talking about aluminum.”

      It’s to the point where I can no longer keep track of which story I tend to believe.