• @[email protected]
    61 year ago

    How is it not god’s will that the fetus is aborted? I thought eVErYThiNG HApPeNS fOR a rEAsOn & gOd HAs a PLaN

    It’s pretty goddamn arrogant to assume ~that this is what god wants, especially one who is ostensibly a loving god~ you know god’s will when god is something beyond our realm of comprehension*

    *assuming god even exists**

    **you may now shove me in a locker for my prattling on

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      The Christian god was never loving. He has always been an egomaniacal sociopath with an inferiority complex and some mood disorder. Maybe borderline personality disorder. He seems paranoid, controlling, and prone to manipulation and explosive rage when he feels line he has been slighted.

      I may be misremembering the DSM negative characteristic map for BPD though. To anyone with BPD out there reading this, I apologize for making a joke at your expense. I know it is a very difficult mental illness to live with, at least when you recognize what is going on. I have known a few people who did not and it wasn’t pretty for those in their life.