• @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    I did. I even moved 6000 miles away overnight. I shoulda done it twenty years sooner.

    There is nothing keeping anyone anywhere. You arent as important to others as you think you are, and if you are they’ll be glad you did something positive for once.

    And no, I am not wealthy. I didnt have shit either. I just know not to stay and die a miserable death in a fascist shithole.

    • Butt Pirate
      157 months ago

      I mean not everyone has two cows they can sell to pull that off.

      • @[email protected]
        -37 months ago

        Seems like debt would be the reason to leave. Start over somewhere else and that debt disappears after 7 years

        • queermunist she/her
          -37 months ago

          What do you do in the meantime? Have your wages garnished? Get denied housing because your credit score is too low?

          • @[email protected]
            07 months ago

            Work for cash, try to be self-employed, find local support groups and make as many friends as you can. If you’re good and honest (and not naive) you’ll do fine…word of mouth and personal referrals beat credit scores.

            I never said it was easy; neither is staying where you are and dying. It was fucking terrifying when I made that jump, and for three years minimum it was a steuggle; but I made friends quickly and was straight up with them about what my situation was and why I was here. I asked for housing referrals and cheaper rent. I made damn sure that I kept the place nice and fixed anything that needed fixing myself. Landlords want a trouble-free tenant with good vibes; if they don’t then they’re a bad landlord.

            Now, I am not a woman so I am not qualified to advise their experience; however, there are two pieces of advice I adamantly insist on: 1- DO NOT GIVE ANY BOYFRIEND A KEY until you have been together long enough to know that he isnt some fucking asshole who punches holes in walls and dashborads and fucks things up for you. If he asks for money the answer is ALWAYS no. Dump him immediately; no dick is worth it.

            2- NEVER EVER EVER trade work for rent. Ever. You work, you bill for it. The landlord gives you a check; when rent is due you give him a check. There is no situation in which a work trade does not result in devaluing the work or overvaluing the rent. WORK and RENT are always TWO UNRELATED TRANSACTIONS.

            I hope your situation improves and you can get away from your problems.