• @[email protected]
    2810 months ago

    The Jews have lost the plot and what’s worse is that on a very, very visceral level you can’t discuss it rationally with them.

    “It’s us or them”.

    “They want to wipe us out”

    “Remember the Holocaust”

    What’s horrible is I think most normal people understand that perspective and to some extent we get the deep seeded concern and driver to their actions.

    They are punishing a people because of the actions of a few which is bad enough as it is but those people have also been caged for so long with no adequate leadership or organization to do anything about, well, anything.

    I’m saying this as a non-Jew with 3 half-Jewish kids. I love the people… But as a nation they need to reflect on themselves not just on recent actions but historically.

    I’m going to go to my grave on this, but what has happened to them was horrible and on par with numerous atrocities over the world. Indigenous people were wiped out. Africa was raped and put into bondage for centuries. But what you have in Israel is different.

    I think at it’s core they continue to not be over The Holocaust. Hurt people hurt people.

    Nothing is going to change until the state of Israel changes their approach. Or they can hide behind American hegemony and continue making the ME less safe for them.

    Sorry on the rant. It’s frustrating. I’m miles away in Canada but anti-Semitism is on the rise everywhere and this bullshit behaviour by a shitstain leader is making things less safe for the people I know.

    • @[email protected]
      2610 months ago

      Hey fun fact. Has anyone actually asked why Anti-Semitism is so sharply on the rise?

      Because a lot of governments and organizations actually define criticism of the government of Israel as Anti-Semitism. So they’re counting every celebrity, every forum post, and every protestor.

      • @[email protected]
        610 months ago

        They are most definitely classifying any sort of anti zionism as anti semitism. They are completely different things. The Gazan population are also semites, so it doesn’t even make sense.

        There is definitely the Nazi kind of antisemitism that still exists in little pockets around the world, but the rise of anti semitism that the media is talking about is mostly just people being against Israel’s genocide, and not people condemning Jews as a whole.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      We should be very careful about our labels. Just as we don’t want to say all Palestinians are not Hamas. We should not say all Jews are Israel. The government and country of Israel is separate from the ethnicity and separate from the religion. Even though many people speaking on behalf of the country of Israel conflate the labels of the religion and the ethnicity we should be better.

      I realize you clarify things by the end of your post, but the first sentence of your post paints with a broad brush stroke

      • @[email protected]
        310 months ago

        I have faith in people like yourself to be intelligent enough to parcel what I’ve said.

        There is a reason I started with Jews and not Israelis. It’s because I’m in Canada and I’ve spoken to Jews in both Canada and America and the sentiment is the same. “Israel can do no wrong”.

        Now that said, there is a hell of a lot of nuance there which will never carry over properly in a post on Lemmy or anywhere tbh.

        • Stamets
          1210 months ago

          Yeah I had to cut being friends with someone who was aggressively pro-trans rights and pro-LGBT and super accepting. Why? Because he’s Jewish and was INSISTENT that any criticism of the actions of Israel was to be antisemetic. Last I heard he’s still defending them slaughtering civilians because “They’re dangerous people.”

          It’s depressing as fuck to see some people unable to seperate religion and state here.

          • @[email protected]
            310 months ago

            Just illustrates how deeply we can have different principles from other people, but still agree with them on some key issues. Slowly starting to believe they see the world the same way we do. And then all the sudden we get shocked.

            Sorry you had to go through losing a friend. That’s rough

            • Stamets
              110 months ago

              He wasn’t a good friend to begin with. Everytime you were wrong he would do THAT smile and say “No” and then say what’s true. That’s aggravating enough but he would do the same to opinion. Say your opinion is wrong and explain the “correct” one with the same condescending behavior. Him being insane was just the cherry on top to make me want to leave.

          • ???OP
            010 months ago

            I see a lot of Israeli pink washing too.

        • @[email protected]
          110 months ago

          Well it’s a good thing you did the work and spoke with every Jewish person in north America to be able to paint with such a broad brush. I guess all the people I’ve spoken with we’re lying about their ethnicity.

          In seriousness though, simply adding “many” or “a plurality of” is enough to add nuance to the discussion. Starting with the blanket “the Jews” isn’t a good look.

          • @[email protected]
            210 months ago

            Case in point on not being able to have a level headed discussion. Obviously I’m generalizing. Obviously there are those that vehemently disagree with what the state is doing. Unfortunately those aren’t the ones making the decisions.

            You are entitled to feel the way you do. Doesn’t change what I’ve seen in my years.

            Oh my gosh! People online have different opinions and have lived different lives with different world experiences?!

            • @[email protected]
              10 months ago

              Obviously I’m generalizing.

              You’re generalizing about an ethnic group that has historically been and currently often is the target of discrimination and violent harassment. The citizens of Israel are largely against their government and their actions, as are the Palestinian people against Hamas and their actions.

              You generalizing to say the Jews are to blame is perpetuating a serious problem.

              I highly recommend you watch this segment from John Oliver on the topic to understand what I mean. https://youtu.be/pJ9PKQbkJv8?si=rtyoNQuMmVPV9B9F

              • @[email protected]
                410 months ago

                You do realize that there is a nation (Israel) that is generalizing everyone they kill with the same broad brush as well? The IDF themselves have stated that if innocent people die that’s acceptable to them.

                So yes, instead of having a discussion about what’s actually happening let’s nitpick on someone generalizing “the Jews”. Let’s completely invalidate a discussion for that reason and that reason alone.

                Best of luck in life.

                • @[email protected]
                  10 months ago

                  Don’t blame the poster you’re responding to for your poor word choice. The criticism you’re receiving is fair. Own it, and do better.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -110 months ago

                    I own what I say but other people need to own when their feels are hurt because someone says things they don’t like, specifically online.

            • @[email protected]
              010 months ago

              You’re entitled to feel the way you do too, but it doesn’t change what I’ve seen in my years, either.

              I think I’m being perfectly level headed, I’m just being a little snarky. At least equally snarky to your comment.

              I just wanted to point out that nuance is possible with just a few additional words, but only if we choose to use nuance.

    • @[email protected]
      1010 months ago

      The Jews

      Many, many Jews have been harsh critics of Israel, going all the way back to its founding. Don’t lump them in with the terrorists running Israel.