To clarify here, I don’t feel like I’m significantly smarter than most people, but I feel like people have a hard time doing any sort of thinking about stuff. Especially when it comes to verifying “facts.”

  • Wolf Link 🐺
    2910 months ago

    I work in customer service. I wouldn’t say that 90% of ALL people are stupid, but an astounding number of the people I have to deal with have … unique ways of thinking, so to speak.

    The most recent example was an olderly man who was absolutely furious because a box of candy he bought for his wife “tasted absolutely disgusting”. We’re talking about something similar to this but I won’t link our actual product as I don’t feel comfortable sharing that information.

    Either way, those are friggin’ bath bombs. It says so on the effing package. Just because they’re labeled “vegan” doesn’t mean that they’re edible FFS!

    • @[email protected]
      1210 months ago

      So I have a story for this, one I’m not proud of mind you, but it happened. One time in a lush store they had these bath bombs that were literally modeled to look like cupcakes, I remarked that they almost looked edible. A STORE EMPLOYEE replied with this.

      SE: They are edible.

      Me: what? No they’re not

      SE: oh yeah they’re totally edible go ahead and take a bite

      Me: wait really?

      SE: yeah!

      So I take a bite of the cupcake looking thing and immediately the bitter ass taste of soap fills my senses, my eyes are watering and I spit it out into the trash. I kid you not this was like a punch in the face, I was sweating, I felt a huge headache coming on and my nose was on fire. Again I’m not really proud of this but in my defence, I was a dumbass teenager and someone who I reasonably thought I could trust told me something to mess with me and I took the bait.

      The employee was nowhere to be seen after that, obviously he saw my gullible ass actually did it and got out of there with a pep in his step and a smile on his face. As for me, I had a pounding headache and slightly lavender scented breath for the rest of that day.

        • @[email protected]
          410 months ago

          Meh, I was sixteen at the time and way more concerned with my friends laughing their asses off nearby

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      Honestly not the most egregious mistake I’ve seen, my local candy shop uses those exact bags and the font + color + shape of objects + “vegan” label suggest they’re edible. Were they sold near the candy or near the bathroom products?

      • Wolf Link 🐺
        1010 months ago

        Bathroom products. In fact, they’re currently located between the TP/paper towel section and the liquid soap dispensers & refill bags.

        Granted, they DO look like white chocolate or something similar, but the product placement, package and the fact that it did not taste like food should have been rather obvious hints to maybe check the package again instead of driving all the way back to the store to yell at the employees. At least he had the decency to be embarrassed about it instead of starting the usual “you lost a customer, I’ll never shop here again” shouting match, which is a big plus.

        PS: he got a refund, but only because he was polite as soon as he realized his mistake. Normally, any sort of hygiene product is excluded from refunds, especially when it has bite marks.

        • @[email protected]
          1010 months ago

          omg you had an angry older customer actually admit a mistake? what’d you do, place a loaded gun on the counter as you were talking??

          • Wolf Link 🐺
            610 months ago

            Yeah it happens once or twice a year, if you’re lucky … =P

            But joke aside, I think he was just too embarrassed to be angry.

    • HubertManne
      110 months ago

      to be fair I can’t read bath bomb from the photo but I can read fruity and older folks tend to have worse eyesight to the point they just don’t read small print.