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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Adventurous_Rich7161 on 2023-07-06 15:59:08+00:00.

Background: My fiancé was raised Christian evangelical and very religious, I was raised agnostic. He’s become more open minded (now on board with evolution) but his family is vocally conservative and posts stuff like all abortion is murdering gods children, etc. They are incredibly kind generous people otherwise and I try to steer clear of politics where possible and we all get along.

My fiancé and I decided to do a joint Bach party together and our family members came (cousins and siblings). We went to a beach bar and as we were leaving the music picks up and my sister started dancing on the empty dance floor. I joined her, which was nice since a big goal of the trip was to get closer to her since we didn’t grow up together.

I see my fiancé and his cousins storm off and I go to catch up. He says I embarrassed him by “putting on a show” and that I was not considerate of his conservative cousins and that I was disrespectful to their views. AITA for not respecting his conservative family?

Throwaway as he knows my main

  • Fapper_McFapper
    2 years ago

    I know this is a bot post just felt the need to comment in case anyone reading this finds themselves in a similar situation. Run goddamnit, run as fast and far as your fucking legs will take you, and when they give out, get an uber, no destination, just get as many miles between you and that controlling religious fuck face. That is all.