A Ukrainian soldier named Serhiy, returning from Russian captivity, has reportedly been found mutilated with swastikas carved into his forehead, as disclosed by Dr. Olexandr Turkevich, who is treating him.

The soldier, blindfolded during the ordeal, claimed Russian soldiers threatened to dismember him, citing accusations of fascism.

    • Black Skinned Jew
      6 months ago

      Yeah whatever they get exchanged or anything they are well marked for future reference of war crimes.

        • Black Skinned Jew
          -226 months ago

          How old are you? 5yo? are you learning how to read or WTF? It’s pretty clear what I’m saying WO the need to repeat it.

          • @[email protected]
            6 months ago

            Well you are but you aren’t. You seem to be implying it and I was wondering if you had the guts to actually write it out. I guess not.

            You are defending or sympathyzing with carving swastikas into people, that kind of shows what kind of a person you are.

              • @[email protected]
                26 months ago

                And pivot.

                You understand you are still to coward to say what you mean, and you are now pointing towards a fringe militia group that when they ran for political power got 0 seats in Parlaiment in order to justify Russians carving swastikas into people.

                Every country has extrimist groups diametrically opposed to the side you want to be on. So pointing at one of those to excuse whatever inhumane thing you want to find acceptable just again emphasises the type of person you are. You madam are a troll, I bid you farewell.