• @[email protected]
      146 months ago

      Hamas and the PA don’t control countries. They control internally occupied territories under military control of Israel (different degrees in Gaza and the West Bank), which controls all imports, exports, food, water, travel, etc of the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Gaza is literally undergoing famine extreme water scarcity, with extremely limited medical aid by the design of Israel. Israel has been in complete control, either internally or externally, of Gaza and the West Bank since 1967

      International pressure is how this ends, like it did with South Africa

    • qevlarr
      46 months ago

      They are not the same even if there’s bad guys on both sides. Israel is a rich state with an advanced military that tries to keep the other side in the relative stone age without any resources whatsoever. It is becoming clearer every day that this is meant to drive Gazans off of their own land, into Egypt or dead, doesn’t matter

        • qevlarr
          66 months ago

          But then they’re not, are they? One is a supposedly civilized democracy and the other is brutally oppressed by the first. This “both sides” stuff is trying to ignore that one side hass all the power here to end the conflict and the other is just trying to survive. In such a situation you have to acknowledge that actions of Hamas and Palestinian are not completely free but a result of the situation Israel put them in. You can’t blame Palestinians for resisting their genocide. Of course things get ugly, they know what’s up

          • @[email protected]
            -16 months ago

            No side has the power to end the conflict. Israel could stop killing palestinians and let Gaza be. This works until Hamas commits the next terror act against Israel. Both sides are bad because both want the total destruction of the other.

            • @[email protected]
              76 months ago

              Stopping killing Palestinians wouldn’t be the end to the conflict, though, so it makes sense that it wouldn’t end hostilities. The end to the conflict would be the end of the ethnostate and institution of a secular society with equal rights to all that recognizes the right of return for Palestinians just as it does for people of Jewish descent. That isn’t a simple solution Netanyahu could do on his own, but it is definitely within the powers of the Israeli state, were there the will or desire.

          • @[email protected]
            -96 months ago

            Dude… you’re NOT who I was asking to weigh in here…. So fuck off. I don’t care for your bias in the matter. You’re not changing my mind. I was simply asking if anyone else is seeing this conflict as both sides suck.

            Which they do.

            If you don’t like it, move on.

              • @[email protected]
                -56 months ago

                You must have missed the part where I explained that. Let’s try again and see if this helps. So, what I was was:

                Can I get a show of hands from the people that think in a larger picture…. BOTH sides in this conflict are the bad guys?

                Hmmm…. It seems I was asking to hear from people that think there’s enough evidence and history to suggest that BOTH sides have been bad guys in this. Now, clearly, one with a decent enough reading comprehension skill, present company excluded- would extrapolate from this that I wasn’t looking to have people crying about how “my side is the good guys tho!”

                I hope this helps.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -36 months ago

                    No, I was asking to see if there was else here that felt the same way. What people like YOU seek are echo chambers. Because you’re only here to argue with me because I disagree with whichever side you’ve chosen.

    • @[email protected]
      36 months ago

      What if I don’t think both sides are bad guys, but I do think both sides need to sit down and talk?
      The concept of “bad guys” or “evil” is completely useless in international politics.
      I just hope some day, they can manage what Germany and France did: Become friendly, allied nations after over a millennium of rivalry and constant wars.