• @samokosik
    16 months ago

    That doesn’t make sense. Once they have enough money to build bombs and vast networks of underground tunnels, it’s definitely Hamas’s decision. Instead of building shelters and farms they decided to use the money for tunnels and bombs. If I have 100k dollars and decide to buy a luxury SUV and then I starve, it’s not a fault of my neighbor that I did so.

    Furthermore, Izrael does not even have a full control of Gaza. They left the place in 2005 and Gaza has a border with Egypt. So even if Israel decided that nothing can get to gaza, stuff can arrive in via Egypt and Israel would not be able to do anything.

    • NoneOfUrBusiness
      06 months ago

      I can only assume you’re being willfully obtuse, so I’ll end the conversation with this.

      The Israeli blockade limits quantities of things allowed to enter Gaza, but it also limits the kinds of things allowed to enter Gaza? No matter how much money you have Israel won’t allow you to get a car into Gaza, for instance.

      If it was just a problem of money Gaza wouldn’t be in this state, because Gaza isn’t naturally one of the most impoverished regions in the world. They had an actual economy before 2005 when Israel just cut off all their exports. Stop treating the Israeli blockade as a natural disaster.