• @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    This guy listing Poland there while I am refusing to travel to USA sightseeing due to personal safety which is not an issue in Poland. Power of country does not directly correlate with standard of living, Russia is the great example where living is shit yet it’s still a “superpower”

      • Lev_Astov
        279 months ago

        Seriously; I’ve seen several such posts stating a belief that it’s unsafe to visit the US, but that’s wildly ignoring statistics. The violent crime rate is like half what it was in the 90s and continues its general downward trend, falling further to below the previous bottom in '19. And most of that still stems from gang violence and the like, so it’s never near what tourists are doing.

        I don’t get it; I think people just like acting scared for some reason. Or maybe it’s them grasping for a reason to feel superior? People love that kind of thing…

        • @[email protected]
          9 months ago

          I assume the media there does the same thing the media does here. If it bleeds, it leads. Violent news gets top billing, while news of plummeting crime rates isn’t advertised.

        • @[email protected]
          79 months ago

          It’s just how media works and our media is the loudest.

          an unusual, infrequent event (such as a man biting a dog) is more likely to be reported as news than an ordinary, everyday occurrence with similar consequences, such as a dog biting a man.

          The only perspective people from outside the US have is that from the media. So when they see the man bites dog stories they assume that to be usual and frequent.

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        For sure. Sightseeing the US is probably about the same as sightseeing anywhere else, except maybe certain parts of the middle east or Haiti.

        • @[email protected]
          9 months ago

          What about New York subway? I have friends that were in new York and they just didn’t feel safe there at all. And this is a usual part of traveling. I’ve recently been in Japan where I was never uneasy or concerned in the slightest, feeling completely safe walking in night or day anywhere, which for sure wouldn’t be the case in US.

          • @[email protected]
            9 months ago

            The subway in New York is still safer than driving, honestly. It only gets kind of sketchy if you are traveling very late hours and alone. Even then, as long as you are smart and use busy entrances and exits, and ride in the car closest to the conductor, the chances of anything happening to you are extremely slim.

            There are little areas all over the US that you probably wouldn’t feel safe in, but those places are usually a bit off the beaten path for tourist destinations. I imagine it’s the same pretty much everywhere, though. Even in Japan, there are districts like Kabukicho and Roppongi, which are infamous for their shady bars and scamming tourists. Many stories of tourists being drugged and robbed, or overcharged and arrested because they didn’t know they were being scammed and charged thanks to the language barrier.

      • @[email protected]
        59 months ago

        Zero or not, person from outside can only know that numbers look worse. Homicide rate alone in the USA is roughly 9 times higher than in Poland. You hear about school shootings every other week as well which doesn’t help.

        • @[email protected]
          29 months ago

          LOL, it’s boolshit. Homicide is almost always from a person known to the victim, most violent crime is. Not like we’re out here just randomly murdering strangers. Year after year, decade after decade, violent crime is down and down and down.

          Gun violence? Not what the media shows us. Note that the leftmost numbers are from a very liberal news outlet, and those are the lowest figures.

          School shootings? Not what you think. It’s nighttime on a holiday week. If I go down to the local elementary playground and pop one in the ground at the soccer field, that’s a school shooting. Seriously. You can Google it for yourself. Anytime a weapon is discharged on school grounds, “school shooting”.

          And keep in mind, “If it bleeds, it leads!”. The media is showing us the very worst that a nation of 333,000,000 souls, across 3,797,000 square miles has to offer.

          • @[email protected]
            9 months ago

            Depends on where you go; some places its easy to end up finding yourself in the wrong place, especially if you are unfamiliar with the area…

            But yeah, school shootings?? it’s not just some d-bags having target practice at night on the football field (unfortunately, rather than a pitch – different story tho), kids die in school shootings here like every other week bud. It really does happen, like a lot, which is actually a pretty uniquely shitty thing in the world today (outside of e.g. the Congo, Chinese elementary schools, …)

            Pretty well thought-out hot take, though, cheers for the high-brow write-up.

    • @[email protected]
      249 months ago

      I don’t think anyone seriously believes Russia is a superpower any more after their failure to take Ukraine.