• BlanketsWithSmallpox
    9 months ago

    As usual, centrists and news orgs who don’t want to call out the fascism Nazi parade for what it is don’t want to ostracize the potential Republicans who don’t think they’re Nazis by voting in Nazis.

    Nobody’s paying attention!!! Well, they are and you hear it loud and clear everywhere.

    Democrats are horrified and disgusted, ready to fight tooth and nail. While Republicans are goose stepping their way through the Capital smearing shit on the walls trying to overthrow elections.

    Gotta pretend like there’s still good people voting in Nazis that might change their mind though! Not that they’re voting in greasy BO old man shit smelling fascist dictators because they want fascist dictators.

    And right on time! MiGrAnT CaRaVaNs are being peddled again.