For me, there were several dollar store trinkets that already broke, and one toy for my kids that was a huge sparkly styrofoam mess waiting to happen, so I threw it out rather than curse anyone else with it.

  • soli
    1 year ago

    My neighbour gave me a TV. To be precise, he rushed it to me unannounced at the exact moment I was leaving to go to a party. I accepted as quickly as I could in an effort to still make my train.

    It turns out it’s about 15 years old and I have no use for it. He’s a lovely man but I intend to post it as free to a good home then drop it at an e-recycling station if nobody is interested.

    • Throwaway
      11 year ago

      Is it a CRT? Big giant tube tv? They can fetch decent prices.

      • soli
        201 year ago

        Nope, just an LCD. It’ll make you feel old but 15 years ago CRTs had already lost majority market share. Sony shut down its last CRT manufacturing plants in 2008.

        I know, I’d kill to hear that sweet degaussing zap again.