In an effort to make this more of a community than a Tumblr-copy, I’m inviting us all to create more posts with questions, discussion and all the other goodness we can share with each other.

As such I’d like to propose a topic that’s dear to me:

Shibari learning.

How did you learn what you know about Shibari? How would you have wished to learn?

Is there difference in playing with someone with formal learning vs not?

What did you learn from formal learning? What are you missing/insecure about from your informal learning?

Feel free to tackle one or more of the questions, as well as take a few minutes to interact with others.

  • @stersr
    42 years ago

    My wife and I have started through rope365, we’ve been enjoying it so far. I’ve been very casually into shibari and rope bondage for 10 years or so, and have a rudimentary understanding, but it’s been a nice guided walkthrough and a fun evening activity.

    • NeekaOPM
      22 years ago

      Oh, how fun! I contributed a little to that a long time ago, but never actually checked it out properly after release.

      What has been your favorite thus far?