I’m exploring the use of binaural beats with music to entrain specific brain frequencies. I have a program compiled which does work. But I may have to use a synthesizer to get what I really want.

The next issue is hosting. RedGifs maxes out at one minute, but it embeds here. HypnoTube.com does not embed here, but it supports long vids and allows porn.

Exploring options. I won’t just cut clips if I do this. I’ll make it myself, which will entail a learning curve. (Meaning I’ll suck at it at first).

  • MaybeALittleBitWeird
    39 months ago

    I don’t know that I have any good suggestions for hosting other than the big name sites, which aren’t amazing. Maybe it’s just me but hypnotube has always had stability issues. They go down or videos take absolutely forever to load fairly regularly and I don’t even stop by that often.

    It’s not easy to find hypno or binaural that’s good quality, so at the very least I’d be interested to check out what you end up coming up with.