Over the last few years my family and I have binged all of Star Trek, then moved on to Star Trek adjacent shows like The Orville and Stargate. At the moment we’re not really watching anything sci-fi. I was wondering if anyone had recommendations for similar shows (or maybe some books) that fill the void left by Star Trek. In particular I really like the episodes that deal with interacting with other civilizations, diplomacy, and exploration more-so than say, an anomaly episode.

  • Thassodar
    89 months ago

    I haven’t seen Battlestar Galactica mentioned here. Great sci-fi show, although there is pretty much no alien life to speak of. Instead it’s a juggling act between humans and the robots they created, in space. I’d almost say it’s a long-form version of Blade Runner, where the robots actually beat humanity and forced them to run from Earth for survival.